
Lack of teachers hits Kavre schools

Government schools in 10 VDCs in the Dandapari area are facing a shortage of teachers.

There are only three teachers for 300 students at Gokule Secondary School (GSS) in Gokule VDC while Chartichhap Janakalyan Higher Secondary School in Chartichhap VDC has only eight teachers for 642 students.

“We are unable to impart quality education due to a lack of teachers in rural areas while there are more than necessary teachers in city-based schools,” said Padam Prasad Timalsina, headmaster at the GSS. Nandalal Rana Magar, a resident of Ghartichhap VDC-5, said many students are forced to return home early as there are no sufficient teachers in schools. “Our children are not attending classes properly. We need teachers,” he said. Nine government schools in the VDCs are facing the problem.

According to the District Education Office, 177 teachers—192 for primary, 46 for lower secondary and 14 for secondary levels—are working for 67 primary, 14 lower secondary and 18 secondary schools in the VDCs. These schools need altogether 177 teachers—89 for primary, 54 for lower secondary and 34 for secondary levels.

Although a meeting of the District Education Committee on January 2 decided to adjust the number of teachers in schools across the district, the decision is yet to be implemented.

District Education Officer Dinanath Gautam said his office informed the Ministry of Education and the Department of Education about the situation in the district. “I am taking special initiation to adjust the number of teachers equally among schools,” he said, adding that his office will also consult with political parties in this regard.

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