
Kavre village in grip of acute water shortage

Mangale Waiba of Ghartichhap VDC in the district goes out every morning, followed by his children, with a pitcher on his back in search of water. He returns tired at noon with hardly half a pitcher of drinking water.

Residents from the VDC are reeling under acute shortage of drinking water. “Many water sources have dried up. If this crisis continues for two or four more years, the villages in this area may lose their population,” said Waiba. He claimed that the water shortage had continued for the past 10 years but became more acute recently.

As a result of the water shortage, Waiba said his children’s studies have been affected and he himself has been unable to go to work, making it exceedingly difficult for his family to manage two square meals a day. Waiba’s neighbour Tirtha Bahadur Ale, too, shared the same problem.

“We depend on two pitchers of water to prepare a meal for our 15-member family. It takes at least six hours to fetch just one pitcher of water,” he said. Ale said they had to travel as far as the Banakhu river and Phoksringtar to collect water.

Meanwhile, locals have accused political parties of being apathetic to their woes. They said political parties had bought votes by promising to ensure water supply in the area but never returned there after elections.

Although a drinking water project was implemented 26 years ago, its pipeline lies unused for want of maintenance. Prem Krishna Shrestha, chief of the Drinking Water and Sanitation Division Office, said his office would take initiatives to find a solution to the severe shortage of water.

Source: Manoj Basnet / eKantipur

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