पर्यटन समाज

Sustainable development fund set up in Kavre

kavreA sustainable tourism development fund has been set up through private sector initiatives in Kavre district on Monday.

The main objective of the fund is to promote tourism in the district through various activities. The fund has been set up at the initiation of the Panauti Tourism Development Centre.

The fund proposes to build a multi-purpose community guest house in Panauti which would also include a paying guest house with the concept of home-stay. It plans to collect a fund of three million rupees for the construction of the guest house.

न्युजमाण्डुमा प्रकाशित कुनै समाचारमा तपाईंको गुनासो भए हामीलाई newsmandu@gmail.comमा इमेल गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ । साथै तपाईले आफ्नो विचार, विश्लेषण, लेख रचना, सल्लाह र सुझाव पनि पठाउन सक्नुहुनेछ । हामीसँग तपाई फेसबुकट्विटरमा पनि जोडिन सक्नुहुन्छ ।

न्यूजमान्डु नेपाली भाषाको अनलाइन समाचार पोर्टल साइट हो । हामी स्थानिय समाचार देखि प्रवास सम्मका खबरहरुलाइ महत्त्वका साथ सम्प्रेस्सन गर्दछौ।